
Have you ever thought of owning your own business?  Here are some thoughts from Meryl, who comes to PC TECH from Lyon, France.  (Her ESL teacher has checked her spelling, grammar, and punctuation and has offered corrections with light editing):

I already have my own business, so it is not a question for me.  But I think you need to have a lot of skills to run your business.  Sometimes, when I have problems and difficulties, I ask myself if I really can be a good businesswoman.  It’s my dream, but it’s hard.  For my company, I need to work every day.  I have a lot of responsibilities.  I have pressure because I must make money, but I also must be serious with my clients.


My parents have never worked for a company.  I have never seen my parents complain about a boss or a manager.  They always work alone in their business.

When I began to work in a company, it was very strange for me.  I was not happy.  I didn’t understand the rules of the company.  They gave me a very low salary.  So it’s why I don’t like to and don’t want to work for other people.  I’m “configured” to work for myself.

In France, if you are an employee, it’s easy because you have a lot of rewards: health insurance, promotions, etc.  But that’s not [of interest] to me.  I don’t care about [benefits].  I prefer to work hard and to be proud of my work.

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