Elective Programs

What are NYEA Elective Programs?

These courses will give students a chance to focus on developing their skills in specific areas of English.

Students in our Standard English Program can add these courses in order to get extra practice in a particular area of English. Or a student who wants a more casual, less demanding schedule might choose to take just an elective or two alone. See below for details on our elective courses.


Conversation and Pronunciation

One of the most popular requests from ESL students is to have more practice with speaking and pronunciation. This course is designed to be 75% conversation and 25% pronunciation to give English learners an extra boost in their speaking abilities. Specifically, students can improve pronunciation clarity, especially with regard to the most difficult vowel and consonant sounds. Additionally, students will enhance their aptitude for 'small talk' and impromptu conversations. Vocabulary depth and recall will also be developed. Furthermore, students will be able to develop the ability to speak confidently and fluently about topics of greater depth such as politics, culture, and personal issues.

Improved Communication Skills
Focusing on conversation helps learners practice real-life interactions, making it easier to communicate effectively in social, academic, and professional settings.
Enhanced Listening Abilities
Regular practice with native speakers and structured lessons can sharpen your listening skills, helping you to better understand spoken language and nuances.
Increased Confidence
By improving pronunciation, learners are often more confident in their ability to speak and are less likely to feel self-conscious about their accent.
Better Pronunciation
Accurate pronunciation ensures that you are understood by others and helps in reducing misunderstandings.
Cultural Competence
Engaging in conversations helps learners understand cultural references, use of slang, and idiomatic expressions, which are crucial for fluent and natural communication.
Career Advancement
In many professional contexts, clear and effective communication is vital. Excelling in conversation and pronunciation can open up new job opportunities and facilitate professional growth.

Slang and Idioms

No matter how long you spend studying formal and academic English, nothing can prepare you for the flood of informal slang and idiomatic expressions you will encounter in your new English-speaking environment.

This course is designed for intermediate English learners, focusing on modern slang and idioms to explore the rich cultural aspects of the language. It enhances practical understanding and cultural literacy, preparing students to confidently engage in informal communication settings. This enables students to speak naturally and fluently in everyday conversations, facilitating easier adaptation in English-speaking societies and workplaces. Specifically studying idioms allows students to grasp subtle meanings and express themselves more precisely, improving their ability to convey humor, irony, and emotion effectively.
These skills are crucial for building deeper relationships and achieving clear, impactful communication.

1. Cultural Understanding
Slang and idioms are deeply rooted in the culture of a language’s speakers. Understanding these can give you a deeper insight into social norms, humor, and the values of the community.
2. Natural Communication:
Using idioms and slang can make your language sound more natural and native-like. This is particularly beneficial in informal conversations where these expressions are commonly used.
3. Enhanced Listening Comprehension
Familiarity with slang and idioms helps in understanding movies, music, and everyday conversation among native speakers, where these forms of language are frequently used.
4. Improved Expressiveness
Idioms and slang often convey meanings more vividly and succinctly than formal language. Learning them expands your ability to express emotions and descriptions more effectively.
5. Social Integration
Using the casual language that slang and idioms represent can help in bonding with native speakers, making social interactions smoother and more enjoyable.
6. Fun and Engaging Learning
Slang and idioms often involve playful language and can make the learning process more engaging and less monotonous.

Overall, these classes not only improve your proficiency in a language but also enhance your ability to engage and connect with native speakers in more personal and meaningful ways.

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