
New York City Your Best Tool for Learning English

English is one of the most commonly used languages in the world, and there are a tremendous number of programs all over the world that helps with the instruction of the language and its application. But what’s interesting is that there’s a shift happening in this discipline: instead of focusing on British English as the standard, American English is now becoming the most common dialect to learn and use.

tesol class

With the growing popularity of American pop culture, which includes movies, television, and music, more and more areas all over the world are adapting their English usage to match the American dialect. With this, it’s important to point out that New York English Academy now has this program in place for those that are interested in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Here are a few things to consider if you’re thinking about your next career move!

  1. Flexible for your schedule

Whether you’re a current college student or if you’re already a teacher, there are convenient options that will fit into your current lifestyle so you won’t have to put anything on hold. Be sure to do your research to find out which program best fits your needs as well as your schedule. You’d be surprised at how quickly you can adapt to the schedule!

  1. Hands-on approach

The American TESOL program is student-centered, so you can ensure that you’ll get the most immersive experience when it comes to learning the best practices. Additionally, the strategy behind the courses are more beyond just teaching content – there are extensive in-class theories and practices that are introduced to simultaneously cement the English language while you’re also absorbing real-world scenarios as they relate to incorporating a new language into your classroom. From role-playing and mock interviews to group work and open discussions, the criteria for learning American English is practical and immersive.

  1. Learn teaching theory

If you’re already a teacher currently, you may be used to one way of teaching your students. What’s rewarding about this American TESOL program is that it will teach you a new way to incorporate the structure of your teachings, which can include creating your syllabus, your lesson plans, and even your instructional approach. With new methods and theories coming to the market all the time, it’s always worth it to continue your own education and learn new ways to connect with your students.

  1. Learn from the best

The courses are instructed by an American university professor that specializes in TESOL, which means that you’ll be gaining real-world experience with American English, and having this expertise at your fingertips means that you can’t get any closer to the best resources available! You will also be able to utilize this professor’s background to better understand the history behind the language, its use cases, and the best ways to instruct a full class.

  1. Consider your location

There’s truly no better place to be than New York City, and since the New York English Academy is in the heart of this magical city, you can easily put your learnings to use just by stepping outside! New York City is a giant cultural melting pot, with thousands of people from all over the world residing here. With that said, you can rest easy in knowing that you will be surrounded by so many people that are also new to English and looking for ways to communicated with those around them. What better way to put your learnings to practical use that right in your backyard – or rather, your sidewalk!

The traditional classroom dynamic is changing. Instead of dry lectures and long testing periods, educational institutions are recognizing the values of having students learn from hands-on and immersive activities instead. New York English Academy is one of those academic locations that has learned the benefit of teaching its students practical and realistic ways to implement their learnings into the classroom. Since learning a second language can be difficult since communication is necessary to succeed, this is exactly why having that collaborative atmosphere is beneficial to long-term learnings and retention.

Pursuing a career in American TESOL is a tangible goal, as the program at New York English Academy is intensive yet practical and collaborative. As more and more areas all over the world are adapting their English courses to shift towards American English, you can strengthen your own hire-value by becoming certified as an American TESOL teacher. Contact the team today to get the next chapter of your career started!

Category : TESOL

Surely you have enjoyed your time with the New York English Academy, learning and practicing the language while also getting to enjoy the amazing New York City. If you’re nearing the end of your academic studies at the Academy, you might be thinking of what you may want to do next, not only with your new English skills but perhaps for your profession.


In today’s world, it’s largely helpful and beneficial to know more than one language, and as you complete your program, you’re one of the privileged that can say you’re fluent in more than one language. As our world’s cultures are mixing and merging now more than ever, having the skills to be able to teach the language is a huge benefit, not only for you, but for those seeking to be more communicable with these cultures.

Luckily, you have an advantage when it comes to ideas of what you may want to do as your next step. Your New York English Academy now has a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Program for American English. What does this mean?

The English language can be difficult to learn and master as a second language, as there are many dialects and conventions from different countries that also speak English. Having this distinct training can help your students understand the language on a much more practical and everyday manner, further setting them up from greater success in the United States.


First and foremost, you’d be providing a service to students that are not only eager to learn the English language, but eager to immerse themselves in American culture. Think about the reasons you joined the Academy in the first place and what value it brought to your life. You can share the same learnings with these students and pass on what you’ve learned over the years from the program and from your real-life experiences while living in New York City and being surrounded by so many other languages and cultures.

What does the program entail?

As with the instruction of any kind of subject, teachers much balance two things: the subject that they’re actually teaching as well as the methodology and way in which they teach. Because teaching is more than just sharing knowledge, the actual act and art of teaching must be taught itself.

As part of the program, you’ll also learn strategies and teaching mechanisms for enhancing communication skills and methods of learning. Since language will obviously be a barrier when it comes to learning English, there are unique ways in which instruction can be implemented. You’ll also be able to learn from other teachers and mentors to hear and understand what’s worked for them, what they’ve learned over the years, and ultimately, encouragement and confidence that what you’re doing will matter so much in the long-run.

How long will the program take, and what are the logistics?

The program is brief yet intense so that you can complete the program in just four weeks. The classes are six hours a day, Monday through Friday. While this month-long program will be intensive, the benefit is that you won’t have a major disruption in your life should you choose to join the program. Once completed, you’ll receive our official token of achievement card that recognizes the completion of the program. This grants you the official certification from the Academy, which will help you move forward with the process of teaching English.

Bottom Line

The TESOL program at the New York English Academy is built to set you up for further success should you choose a career in teaching English to others. It’s designed with practical and real-world strategies that will engage your students and have them truly immersed in the process of learning American English. Exposure and interaction with other TESOL teachers and students will help prepare you in a realistic and practical way.

Ultimately, even if you choose to not teach English as a career path, you’ll have a skill that very few will have following completion of this program. No matter what you choose next for your future, you’ll have the unique and advanced ability to communicate with others from all over the world that will help your own communication skills as well as your own knowledge base. Participating in this program is an investment in yourself as well as an ongoing gift you can give to those around you.

Category : TESOL