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Hi Everyone. I’m Kevin Gonzalez. I’m from Nicaragua, Central America. I came to New York 9 months ago. I started English class at NYEA in September of 2019. When I began studying English, I felt afraid of making mistakes but then, little by little, I gained trust in myself.

I know that means taking up a challenge every day. For me, it’s very important to speak the English language because I became a Franciscan friar, and it’s possible for me to minister in the United States, Canada or Italy.
For example, in the United States, it’s a very important condition that a candidate for the priesthood basically be bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. In every church, there are English speaking and Spanish speaking people.I hope to speak English very well in order to offer my services to others.

Finally, New York is a beautiful city; it is a big city. I never thought I would live in NY. I knew NYC only through the movies. I enjoy every place in NY. I love taking pictures and NY offers many beautiful landscapes. I like New York City.