
Recent News from the school

Hello, I am Yi-Hsuan Huang (Sandy). I am from Kaohsiung, Taiwan and have been in the US for almost four years. I love the atmosphere here and like that in New York, there are so many things that you can explore or experience. Due to the pandemic, however, I have been living in Birmingham, Alabama with my boyfriend and his family for almost two years. It’s still a good memory and experience for me. The reason I came here is that I wanted to get my master’s degree in digital marketing. Nevertheless, before that, I needed to improve my English and get the TOEFL score necessary to enter the university.

That’s why I am here now at NYEA. I like the learning experience here and have gotten to know some cool classmates, including having a fun teacher. What more can one ask for? Moreover, I believe as long as I practice more, I will reach the score I need to make it into the school I want to go to. I have thought a lot about looking for a job in the US, especially in the pet industry. If I can find a job working with pet animals, I would be extremely delighted.

We are happy to announce that our TOEFL class tuition fee has been revised.
The new price is $1110. You can save $650!
Class starts on Feb 22. Please sign up now- only a few spots are left.
Thank you!

Category : From Staff

Good news!
TOEFL price has been reduced from $1760 to $1110. Save $650!

Category : From Staff

Hi. My name is Vika and I come from Belarus. In the last five years, I’ve lived in three countries: Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine because many of my relatives and friends live there. My passion is traveling. I have been to different countries of Europe, some states of the United States of America, and several islands in the Caribbean Sea. In addition, I’m obsessed with photography. I love to put smiles on my model’s faces and make them happy. I have a dream. It’s to be a famous, worldwide wedding photographer and take pictures around the world. I think the best way to have a happy life is to turn a favorite hobby into a job. If I want to work around the world, I have to know English because it’s an international language.

I chose New York English Academy (NYEA) specifically for this purpose. To be honest, I got more out of the school than just improving my English-language skills here. Every day, I learn something interesting about the new world,
history, and cultural facts because of my teacher, David. I’ve discovered other cultures and made new friends with my classmates. I’m so grateful to have found NYEA.

Hi, I’m Lucas and I’m 30 years old. I was born and raised in Brazil and have lived in this amazing city called New York City since last spring. I’ve always been fascinated by learning new languages, cultures, and experiences. I think that since I was a child, I had this dream of coming to New York. I am completely in love with the city that never sleeps! I remember watching movies and saying: “One day, I’m going to live there!” And so I did it! I think it’s amazing how this city makes you mature. Living here is an adventure every single day by seeing things in another sense. How big it is and how small it can be at the same time.

I already studied English in Brazil, but was never so successful as I only studied it once a week. My school was very good, but something was missing, so I chose NYEA to study English and in the best city in the world. I enjoy studying with native and very welltrained American teachers. Speaking English all the time and with students of other nationalities is completely different. I have only been studying at the school for three months and can see that my English has already developed very well. Today, I see that learning English is a necessity, both for professionals and ordinary people alike. I feel like I’ve learned a lot since I arrived and I still have a lot more to learn. My interests are to gain fluency in the English language and get a better opportunity in my field of work.
I might do a graduate degree here too; that could be a great idea. I can only say that, for now, I am living in the best period of my life. And I especially love the experience of studying English at NYEA!

Hello! My name is Dziamyan, I’m 19 years old and I’m from Belarus. I really love playing the guitar and creating music. I studied in the IT department and want to work in the IT sphere like a WEB-developer.

That was my dream since childhood. It is necessary to know English here, but that isn’t the only reason. I’ve
been trying to learn and upgrade my English since the age of six. It is interesting to speak with other people
from other countries. I think that English is the main world language which people from other countries
can use to communicate.

When I finished college, I understood that I wanted and I need to upgrade my English knowledge. I started to find ways to learn it on new levels. Then I found NYEA. I was excited when they were so talkative with me. I wasn’t in the school building, but was near it on the second day after arriving in New York. Teachers and groups there are really interesting, unusually. After a month of studying there, I don’t want to leave. I want to upgrade my language skills and to speak with this community.

Like I said, the most interesting thing in English is speaking with other people. For my profession, it’s necessary too. But the main reason for all purposes: my wish.

Thank you, New York English Academy, for making this dream of mine come true!

It all started in 2018, when I first came to America, specifically to New York. I am Veronica Kvaratskhelia from Georgia and I am 34 years old. During my life in Georgia, I worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and had a very responsible and at the same time, very busy work environment. I have been living in New York for three years now. About one year ago, I decided to study English to have more opportunities, more friends, a good job and most importantly, to achieve my goal, that is, to do what I love and why I came to this country.

I started looking for a school and some of my friends suggested NYEA school to me. I am very proud of my choice because I found myself in an unusual environment where I started learning English with people who put all their
strength and energy, as well as all their creativity into each lesson. The learning process is diverse and at the same time creative where you are always involved and active. You get to know a lot of news, American history, a lot of cognitive videos, and you become a writer, a creator, and start living fully in New York from being at New York English Academy. This environment is created by teachers who have a strong sense of responsibility and above all, a high sense of respect for their students’ countries and languages. I started learning English from the second level. I had an extraordinary teacher, Joe Johnson. He has made a great contribution to raising my knowledge, for which I thank him very much. Currently, I am at the third level and my teacher is David Knoll, a very creative, very sociable, and extraordinary teacher who is always ready to help us to simplify the language learning process. I have heard that the more languages you know, the more personal you are. When you learn a language, all the doors of the world open for you, and you become free and flexible. I wish all the students success as they achieve their goals!

I’m Takayo Shaura from Japan. Before I came to NY, I used to teach ballet and was a ballet dancer. I wanted to improve my dance skills more, so I decided to go to NY.
The reason is that in NY City, there are the most famous dance studios in the world. First , when I came to NY, I took dance programs for 2 years at a dance school. At that time, I took the mandatory 12 dance classes a week. One class was 1 & 1⁄2- 2 hours long. It was very hard for me but I was able to learn some wonderful dance styles and met an awesome dance teacher and dancers. If I had not been here, I think I wouldn’t have had these wonderful experiences.
Second, after I got my certificate of completion, I was able to join the musical shows, perform dancing, singing and had a great experience. However, I couldn’t speak English well with Americans while I was in the shows. In addition, I was depressed that I could not communicate with children who came to see the shows..
Then, I thought I should study English hard. Actually, I had some musical shows for children in the last year that were canceled by the pandemic. In fact, we can’t perform anything, and I’m not sure when I can start dancing in the shows again.
Since I needed to study English more for communication with Americans and children in the near future, I thought I want to learn English at NYEA.
Furthermore, I was surprised when I took an online class at this school for the first time because everybody was able to speak English fluently and it was wonderful. Hopefully, I think my English skills are going to improve here!!!

Hi all. I’m honored to be a spotlighted student.
I’m SIMIN LEE from South Korea.
I’m here to be a musical performer.
Besides I really like this city.
Maybe I can tell that even if I can’t enjoy it as much as before this Pandemic, still I love New York. I think that’s why everyone who reads this newsletter is here supposedly.
I’ve been here for almost a year. And I’m still struggling with learning ENGLISH. Although we’re still taking the classes by ZOOM, I’m happy to be here and to meet good teachers and students. And I’m really hoping to meet you guys in person someday when this Pandemic is gone. Until then, BE SAFE and don’t give up whatever it is.

We are Baba and Elhadj from Mauritania.
We have lived in New York for a few months.

As Mauritania is an Arab country which was colonized by France, the official languages are Arabic and French. Since we came here to NY, we are finding that we are obliged to improve our English skills in order to be able to deal with some professional matters, so we started looking for the best way to learn English.

Relying on the good reputation of NYEA, we decided to enroll in the evening classes and think that we have already made progress. We will still continue studying to reach our main goal of improving our language skills.