
Recent News from the school

Hi amigos! My name is Alejandra and I am proudly mexican. I came to NY to improve my english skills and to figure my future out. I’m planning to apply for a Masters Degree or an MBA but while I decide which one to choose I am
trying to enjoy my stay here. I truly believe that life is to learn, to grow and above all, to have fun. My dream is to travel around the world. Why? Because exploring the world, making new friends, discover new places and meeting people from all the globe make me happy. I love to enjoy the moment, and the little things in life that are free. I am looking forward to the Covid vaccine so we can finally start traveling safely again and visit new places around here and around the world.

Hello everyone! My name is Chisato. I’m from Japan.I go to a university in Japan, and I took one year off to come here.

What brings me here?I have many reasons, so I’ll tell you one. It is to want to be inspired. In my whole 22 years of life, I’ve always studied hard, played basketball, and done something as a normal girl in the peaceful countryside of Japan. I sometimes felt bored of my life. NYC has a lot of interesting things for me. First of all, I like walking around the city, going to museums and shopping. And also after coming here, I made many friends who are artists, they are totally different from me. I like talking with them. When I do these things, I feel another part of me is filled with new things.

The time to leave here is coming but I’d like to enjoy exploring and stay safe!!

Hi Everyone. I’m Kevin Gonzalez. I’m from Nicaragua, Central America. I came to New York 9 months ago. I started English class at NYEA in September of 2019. When I began studying English, I felt afraid of making mistakes but then, little by little, I gained trust in myself.

I know that means taking up a challenge every day. For me, it’s very important to speak the English language because I became a Franciscan friar, and it’s possible for me to minister in the United States, Canada or Italy.
For example, in the United States, it’s a very important condition that a candidate for the priesthood basically be bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. In every church, there are English speaking and Spanish speaking people.I hope to speak English very well in order to offer my services to others.

Finally, New York is a beautiful city; it is a big city. I never thought I would live in NY. I knew NYC only through the movies. I enjoy every place in NY. I love taking pictures and NY offers many beautiful landscapes. I like New York City.

Interested in attending college in the U.S.? NYEA partner, St. Francis College in Brooklyn, is offering a FREE info session for NYEA students (and prospective students) via ZOOM on August 6th at 12:00.

  • SFC offers admission to NYEA students who pass Level 4 WITHOUT A TOEFL OR IELTS TEST.
  • They also offer a $1000 scholarship to ALL students coming from NYEA.

We are proud partners with SFC, which has been a part of Brooklyn and New York City for more than 150 years, and offers one of the most affordable private school educations in the city.

Contact SFC staff for more information and a ZOOM link to the event!

Category : From Staff

Last summer, I came to the United States at the invitation of my friends. This is my first visit to the United States. After coming here, I saw a lot of buildings and scenic spots that used to be on TV. Everything is so real, so I decided to stay in the United States for a period of time, I want to better understand and feel this country.

In February of this year, I came to NYEA, a language organization. If you want to understand the culture of a place, you must start with language. NYEA is not very big, but all the teachers are very friendly. There are students from all over the world, including African, Asian, South American and European. In class, we can often exchange different cultures, different opinions and  different cuisines.

Later, because of the COD-19 virus, we can only take classes online, but this does not affect our language learning. In just a few months, I feel that my English listening and speaking have improved a lot. Although my vocabulary is limited, it does not affect my study. The teacher will guide you patiently until you understand. Finally, I hope I  can go back to school early, so that we can have a pizza party together.

Hi There: I am Masa. I always look sleepy. I am from Tokyo, Japan and have been living in New York for
6 months so far. I used to work as a bartender at a bar called The Bar Piano in Shibuya, which is very
familiar to foreigners. At the bar, I met so many foreign celebrities such as Quentin Tarantino,
Leonardo Di Caprio, Lady Gaga, David Beckham, famous fashion designers and musicians. Of course, they talked to me in English.I felt bad for them because I couldn’t speak English at all.

One day, I felt a necessity to speak English. I memorized some phrases, and I tried using them to
speak English to native speakers. I finally could communicate with them; besides, I felt happy
doing so. I was so scared of making mistakes, but it didn’t matter. That was the first time I
enjoyed speaking a foreign language.Indeed this experience completely changed my life. I had
never imagined living in New York a few years ago.Finally, trying new things is wonderful.

Do to the ongoing COVID-19 virus outbreak. NYEA has temporarily moved all classes online. We are still accepting new students to start any Monday, and will get back to our physical classrooms as soon as we can.

Thankfully the teachers and academic staff have worked very hard (and very quickly) to deliver the best online learning experience possible during this crisis — and it keeps getting better and better as teachers and students learn new tools together, and transfer the same high-quality classes to a new platform.

It is a difficult time for all but we are still here for our students! We still deliver some of the best English classes in NYC!

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact NYEA Admission:

Category : From Staff

I was a bit worried before moving to New York. It’s not only that I moved here. It’s also that I’m not planning on moving back to my country any time soon. So, I thought the best way to start reducing my stress was by focusing on enhancing my English as well as becoming well-prepared for university here.
In addition, after living here for awhile, I think that what I love the most in New York City and particularly at NYEA is the internationality. The variety of people, languages and cultures make the whole learning experience much more interesting and unique. Despite our differences, we’re still able to communicate with one another in the same language which emphasizes the importance of
knowing and understanding English.

I’m Kazuro and I’m from Japan. I came here just to study English after quitting my job. I was impressed that teachers speak native English and can help students with pronunciation. It’s so practical and not normal for me because basically, the Japanese don’t have the opportunity to meet people who speak English very much. My teacher always pays attention to each of us and encourages us to be confident. I really appreciate that. And finally, NYEA’s students come from all over the world, so I’ve met a lot of new people and they brought me new senses of values. All of these are lovely experiences.

Hi guys! We are American TESOL students from Japan. Half of us are college students who want to be English teachers, and the others are teaching English to Japanese students. We all have teaching experience and want to improve our teaching skills.American TESOL is the course where students learn how to teach English in the “communicative approach.”

We have a common hope to make a change or bring about something new for Japanese education. Kakeru has a dream to establish an English institution in Japan.
Through this course, he wants to know if teaching fits him.

Yoko is now teaching kids and adults, but sometimes she feels that Japanese students need new methods to improve their English. Keiko has her own business and teaches her students privately but she thinks that her knowledge is limited. Mayuko majors in English education and has a strong will to take some actions to English education. Kohei wants to learn pedagogical approaches different from ones applied in Japan.

We believe that the American TESOL program gives us inspiring ideas for our future  classes which will help our Japanese students improve their English.