
Recent News from the school

Hello, I am Yi-Hsuan Huang (Sandy). I am from Kaohsiung, Taiwan and have been in the US for almost four years. I love the atmosphere here and like that in New York, there are so many things that you can explore or experience. Due to the pandemic, however, I have been living in Birmingham, Alabama with my boyfriend and his family for almost two years. It’s still a good memory and experience for me. The reason I came here is that I wanted to get my master’s degree in digital marketing. Nevertheless, before that, I needed to improve my English and get the TOEFL score necessary to enter the university.

That’s why I am here now at NYEA. I like the learning experience here and have gotten to know some cool classmates, including having a fun teacher. What more can one ask for? Moreover, I believe as long as I practice more, I will reach the score I need to make it into the school I want to go to. I have thought a lot about looking for a job in the US, especially in the pet industry. If I can find a job working with pet animals, I would be extremely delighted.