
English in Art Culture October 15, 2013

English in art culture is usually conveyed into Literature, Poetry, Theatre, Film, and Music….

Famous works of English in Art culture include those of William Shakespeare. He was a poet and playwright. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers of the English language. His works has inspired many. Another famous English writer is Charlotte Bronte. She was a novelist and poet. Who’s famous works include Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Agnes Grey.  Those of you might also be familiar with Jane Austin, and her novel Pride and Prejudice.

English in art culture is immensely universal. Timeless, and iconic. Those who discover such great works of art, surely appreciate the English language even more! It is respected and shared. English in a nutshell, is complex and wonderful. It is widely regarded as having become the global language.

The art culture is growing, evolving, inspiring. And English has lots, if not very much everything to do with it. You can see these amazing works of art in the New York Public Library, The American Museum of Natural History. The Statue of Liberty is one of them. A gift from France. Lady Liberty is a signal of Freedom

Art is everywhere. And New York City is one of the places to experience them.

File:Statue of Liberty 7.jpg

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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