
PC TECH students have a number of opportunities to visit cultural institutions in New York, especially on our field activity days, usually Fridays.  Currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a video presentation of the fast-moving pace of Manhattan transformed into slow motion.  James Nares, born in England, designed this program to accompany a group of related objects from the museum’s collection and set all to music.  Our students now have some original material to discuss in the classroom.

In one of our levels, the students were writing essays about what they would do if they won a million dollars.  Angelita supplies an example:

First of all, I would buy a house for my mother and I would hire someone to help her with cleaning the house and cooking.

Then I would travel around the world, but I [especially] want to visit Africa because I would become a volunteer and help other people, [in particular] children.  I love kids and I feel sad when I am watching TV and see kids crying and hungry.

So I would open an association for helping these people with [their] primary needs.

After that, I would buy a truck because my husband is a driver; he has never driven a truck, but I know he would love it.

…My main idea is that for the rest of my life, I would feel safe – myself and my family – and I would not have to worry about money.

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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